Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Helpful, polite and left my home spotless!

-Mrs. Mead, Bushey


I had a pile of ironing that had been left aside due to work and family commitments. I called Nadine who was happy to help and came over the next day to iron it all! I’ll be sure to call again when time fails me.

- Megan, Hertfordshire


I use Nadine and Clean of Herts regularly for my end of tenancy cleans. I run my own estate agent firm and will always call the team for our properties and recommend them to clients. They are a dream team!

- Mr Goldberg, Edgeware


Just wanted to say a big thank you to the ladies that cleaned my house yesterday – it was the best clean ever! I was a bit dubious at first as I myself am a perfectionist but the team fulfilled my every need and more. Happy Happy client.

- Mrs Pascual, Hertforshire


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